
Kick-off meeting of the European project CULTURALITY

From April 8 to 12 was held in Oviedo the kick-off meeting of the European project Culturality CULTUral heritage in RurAL remote areas for creative tourism and sustainabilITY.


Specialized Group on Chemistry for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Heritage

The RSEQ has formed the Specialized Group of Chemistry for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. 


Asturias Investor´s Day 2023

We will be present at the Asturias Investor´s Day 2023.


Summary of the 25th International Conference on Industrial Heritage

Summary of the 25th International Conference on Industrial Heritage.


Literature and heritage

We have participated in the Literature and Heritage workshop organized by INCUNA.


Designing industrial heritage routes with artificial intelligence

Presentation by our CTO on industrial heritage route design with artificial intelligence.


Sentiment analysis of the Pozo Sotón website

A sentiment analysis of the Pozo Sotón web texts.


Designing industrial heritage routes with artificial intelligence

Designing tourist routes with artificial intelligence.


Industrial sentiment

Analysis of the sentiment of the short stories about industrial heritage.


Sentiment analysis of industrial heritage in social networks

We analyze the sentiments associated with industrial heritage in the social network X.


Sentiment analysis of Spanish industrial heritage

How to apply sentiment analysis and opinion mining techniques in the context of cultural industries?


The Spanish industrial heritage sentiment map

We present the sentiment map of the Spanish industrial heritage.

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Proyecto financiado con las ayudas para la modernización e innovación de las industrias culturales y creativas
correspondientes al año 2022 del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.

ministerio de cultura y deporte
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