

From the 1st to the 4th of October 2024 we have been in the Outer Hebrides to participate in several activities of the CULTURALITY project of which we are part. During the 1st and 2nd we have carried out the consortium meeting organized by our partners from the University of St Andrews in Stornoway and other Lewis and Harris locations. This activity has been completed with our participation on the 3rd and 4th in the Hot Rural Spot organized by our partners from Applied Arts Scotland. At this event we were able to hold a meeting with stakeholders in the project areas at the Clan MacQuarrie Community Centre on the Isle of Lewis. There we were able to explore the perspective of various stakeholders to understand the context of Scotland´s remote rural areas. We also obtained varied and diverse information for the first data analysis of the project events, which will continue throughout the month with the reception of data by our partners from Ecomuseo Laponte.

The CULTURALITY primary objective is to unlock the endogenous potential in remote rural areas by studying their rich cultural heritage and developing new business models that support job creation. By leveraging the material and immaterial artisan heritage and local traditions, the project aims to boost economic activity and foster sustainable development. CULTURALITY brings together an international network of 13 organizations from 9 different countries with different backgrounds. For more information about the project we recommend you to visit the official website of the project.

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Proyecto financiado con las ayudas para la modernización e innovación de las industrias culturales y creativas
correspondientes al año 2022 del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.

ministerio de cultura y deporte
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