Last Sunday August 11 we were present at the VII Edition of the Degustación de Sidra Casera del Concejo de Carreño (Tasting of Homemade Cider from the Council of Carreño), held in Perlora and organized by A. C. Cider Casera de Carreño. Once again we conducted a field survey among the attendees. The answers will be analyzed with opinion mining, as in the case of previous editions, and the data set of all editions will be processed with artificial intelligence. This kind of activities are part of a project of our company for the analysis of homemade and industrial cider culture in the context of rural festivals and for the development of smart and sustainable tourism strategies. Once the data analysis will be available we will make it public in collaboration with A. C. Sidra Casera.
One of the keys of the festival of Perlora is that from the A. C. Sidra Casera raises an informative and investigative aspect in parallel to the festive activity. With the development of an exhibition of elements of elaboration of different historical periods and publications on the history of cider production in the council of Carreño that can be purchased during the festival.
Proyecto financiado con las ayudas para la modernización e innovación de las industrias culturales y creativas
correspondientes al año 2022 del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.