The Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry has formed the Specialized Group of Chemistry for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. As its name indicates, it is a group dedicated to the application of chemical sciences in the study and protection of all types of heritage elements. The group has been formed in an interdisciplinary way among other reasons due to the characteristics of the subject matter. That a scientific society of the antiquity and prestige of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry has opted for the creation of a specialized group of these characteristics is great news. And from Cultural Sentiment we will keep you informed of all the activities that are carried out from it as well as its members, among which is our CTO.
For the moment, and with a horizon of active participation in congresses and scientific events, as the first activity of the group, the Prize for the best doctoral thesis in the field of Chemistry for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Heritage has been announced. You can find more information on the group´s website.
Proyecto financiado con las ayudas para la modernización e innovación de las industrias culturales y creativas
correspondientes al año 2022 del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.