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A history of industrial heritage is also a history of the relationship between energy and civilization. But energy not only defines industrial development and its legacy with all the associated positive and negative connotations. It is also the manifestation in physics of the processes of change and evolution of systems. The flow of energy and the constant increase of entropy defines a direction of time and the development of civilization. Energy is the past, but it is also the future, since the maturity of emerging technologies will depend on our ability to manage energy from renewable sources and subject to the problems of intermittency and storage. That is why at UriaXait our philosophy is to connect the legacy of the past with the technologies of the future. From cave art to industrial heritage, we try to apply the knowledge acquired by theoretical physics and the tools provided by computer technologies. These tools allow us to solve problems related to our heritage but also to connect it with our feelings and emotions. Through the application of sentiment analysis techniques we can re-signify the elements of industrial heritage and here we will show you the results we have obtained. In addition, in this section we will also be collecting news about conferences, scientific activities, promotional activities, etc.

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Proyecto financiado con las ayudas para la modernización e innovación de las industrias culturales y creativas
correspondientes al año 2022 del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.

ministerio de cultura y deporte
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